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Muscle Pain in Adults: Causes and Home Remedies

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The human body is covered in muscles. That’s why almost everyone feels achy from time to time. Your muscles work hard moving and protecting your body day‐in‐and‐day‐out for a lifetime.

Why Do People Get Muscle Aches?

Quite often the cause of a muscle injury is pretty easy to discover. Overuse or repetitive motion is a common reason, but other reasons include pushing too hard exercising or trying a new activity.

How Can You Start Feeling Better?

Minor symptoms can be addressed in many ways:


Resting the muscle

While gentle exercise or movement may help promote blood circulation and ease light muscle soreness, experts generally advise that if you’d rate your pain above a 5 out of 10, you should rest for a day or two by reducing activities that engage the sore muscles1.

Ice cube icon

Apply ice

Try putting a cold pack on and off during the day for 20 minutes at a time.

Icon demonstrating stretching

Gentle stretching

Stretch out the affected area for two minutes, rest for a minute, and then stretch for another two minutes. Before stretching again, allow a day or two so that the body can recover and heal2.

For effective over‐the‐counter pain relief, try MOTRIN® Liquid Gels or MOTRIN® Platinum Muscle and Body caplets. MOTRIN® Liquid Gels contain ibuprofen, a fast‐acting pain reliever that works to stop muscle pain where it starts. In addition to ibuprofen, MOTRIN® Platinum Muscle and Body contains methocarbamol, a muscle relaxant for tense muscles3. Either of these two fast acting products will tackle your aches and make sure you can quickly get back to your regularly scheduled life.

This information does not constitute a diagnosis of any medical condition or medical advice. Do not substitute this information for medical advice. Always consult your physician or health care provider if you have medical or health questions or concerns. To be sure this product is right for you, always read and follow the label.





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